just like a new baby

I was just thinking about how babies are the most adorable beings in the world. Imagine finding a baby being left alone cold and hungry, you just can't help but to feel sorry for the little child. We sometimes read about people who adopt these poor babies and take care of them. Slowly but surely there is a bond that is being formed between the two. The longer the baby is under the care of that person, the harder it is for both of them to be separated.

So it is with us who are saved, we were once lost in darkness, until one blessed day, our Lord Jesus Christ came to adopt us into His family. The more we spend time with Him, the more we see His perfect being, and all the more we love Him.

I guess one of the most touching moments of having a child is when the child actually calls out to the parent. Just to hear a baby say "papa" or "mama" will make the strongest person's heart melt right before the child. I can't help but to think of what it means to God when we call Him Abba father. Does His heart beat a little faster? Does it make Him cry when we call out to Him in love? It is clear that He loves us very much, therefore I can only imagine how much it means to Him if we would give all we can to love Him back.


Anonymous said...

amen kor, to all u have said. that was a good thought! :) i actually cried.. hehe! thats me..

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