centre of it all

Its a new year, and like all new beginnings, it gets people thinking, reevaluating the past and making new year resolutions (most people do... i guess). For me it is no exception, I have been thinking about alot of things. One of which has led me to think about what exactly do I expect from a whole new year ahead of me. I could have set so many different goals to achieve, all of which I am sure will benefit me if I accomplish them. However,I find myself asking one question to all that i wish to do - Who is at the centre of my own little universe?

I am definitely not the first person to ask that question.. (like duh!) . Well that is an understatement, I know. My point is that we human beings have always had similar questions like these. For example when we see the sun rising from the east and setting in the west, the first of our thoughts were to think that the sun revolves around the earth, only to find out that it is the earth that revolves around the sun. Although it has now been proven true that the earth does revolve around the sun, I would like to point out that they made one small spelling mistake...it should be that the earth (or everything for that matter) revolves around the S-O-N (not S-U-N) .

John wrote in John1:3 - ' Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.' Indeed everything that has been created bears one common fingerprint that points to the Lord Jesus Christ, which brings me back to my question - Who is at the centre of my universe? The obvious answer should be the Lord Jesus Christ. Although I wish it is true of me to make that claim, and even at times I confess that I really do believe that I have the Lord at the centre of my motives, the truth is if I am brutally honest with myself, there is still the "ME" factor that still remains in my pathetic little world. Just like when the scientists concluded that the sun revolves around the earth on the first observation, the human nature is inclined to think that everything has to be because of US, ME, SELF. If not for the correction made to the first observation, I can't imagine what science would turn out to be now based on a wrong observation, science just wouldn't make sense. So it is with oursleves, if the SELF is still the centre of all we think and do, nothing makes sense, everything will just be messed up, because we have ruled out the one thing that everything is based upon. Only when we recognize the rightful place that the Lord Jesus has in our lives, we will not find the answers we need in life.

As much as I wish I could achieve more in this new year, I want to make sure I am doing it all for the right reasons, and for that the Lord has to be the centre of it all!


Anonymous said...

Happy Bday! Hope all your new year resolutions will be achieved...with the Lord ^_^!!!

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