with baskets full

I remember a preacher once preached about the preparation for public worship where he gave a simple analogy between the feast of the first fruits and our preparation for worship. In many ways, our preparation for the Lord's supper is similar to the gathering of the harvest of first fruits. Over the course of the week, our preparation can be seen as a each individual having their own baskets, and they were to be used for the gathering of fruits, gathering of thoughts and expereinces that we want to present to the Lord as acceptable in His eyes. When the week passes and we come to present our baskets to the Lord, our baskets should be overflowing with offerings to Him.

Even though our baskets may not neccessarily be full or overflowing, I would like to think that at least many of us are still able to offer up something in our baskets . However, I sometimes wonder that our baskets may not be as full as we may think it is. I dare not generalise my thoughts on this, but I think more often than not, we come to the Lord's presence with nothing in our baskets, let alone the thought of not having the basket full or to consider it being filled with the wrong things.

The reason that I have such thoughts is mainly due to personal experiences and (what could be inaccurate) observations; and it is not because we did not fill it up throughout the week, but because we are not capable of doing so. Instead of using the baskets to gather offerings to the Lord, we come with empty baskets expecting the Lord's supper to be a time for our baskets to be refilled, a spiritual recharge if you may. And throughout the course of the week, instead of filling our baskets, we are draining our baskets to cope with our weekly routine, just to find that our baskets are empty by the end of the week.

I know it is sad to have such conclusions, and like I said what I have concluded may not be entirely true. However speaking for myself, I find that there are times where I am ashamed to say instead of offering to the Lord, I require of the Lord to provide that weekly boost of spiritual need. I am not saying that we don't get a 'spritual boost' when we gather to remember the Lord, of course we do. It is normal to be all fired up spiritually on a sunday morning. However, it is absolutely imperative that we realise our priestly exercise is not to receive, but to offer up that which is worthy and pleasing to the Lord.

So the ever important question remains: how are we filling our baskets today? Are we just starting to put things in it? or are we filling it right to its top? or are we expecting something to be filled in it instead? The answer is clear, but the motivation to that answer should be even clearer...that it pleases the Lord that we are faithful and come with baskets full!


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