
I noticed something interesting while watching American Idol recently. At the end of the results show they would show a short clip of the journey of the out going contestant.

Clips like these tend to show the best of what the contestants have gone through, leaving you with a sense of reluctance to see one leaving the competition after all the effort put in. As usual, things like these just come into my mind during my walk to lectures. Somehow I started to think about things like what if someone were to take similar snapshots of my life? What would the highlights be? What would they show? Would I leave my mark on this earth just like the contestants left their mark in the competition? Would someone look at the snapshots of my life and say to themselves, it would be a pity to see him go?

All these thoughts ran through my head not because I want to be famous among men, but rather reminding myself of how i should be living my life. Have I lived my life so that the one who gave me life looks at it and gives a nod of approval? Or would He shake His head with disappointment? Funny how the way we live our lives can be taken for granted when we forget that life is given to us, not something we own with our own right.

When I am reminded that I am accountable to God for the way I live my life, I am also reminded of the one who lived His life in full accountability to His father in Heaven. When Christ Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the life, it was indeed something to be grasped. His holy life which we remember week after week, serves to remind us that His life is the quintessence of holy living. Now if someone were to take snapshots of my life, I would hope that somewhere in between the laughing and crying, there is something that reflects the way my Lord Jesus lived His life. If that is so, I can say with confidence... I have made my mark.


oyling said...

I would thought of you as someone who loves the Lord and kept reminding yourself why and how you should be loving Him more. It's always good to have someone to remind ourselves of our lives and stands on earth. And to me, and to many as well, that is a very helpful mark.

"My life is not my own, It belongs to You..Only to please my Father's heart"

All glories to Him

Tong How said...

All glories to Him indeed!

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