peace of a bond servant

Php 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

Doulos - (Bond servant) From deo, "to bind," "a slave," originally the lowest term in the scale of servitude, came also to mean "one who gives himself up to the will of another"

Slaves mentioned in the bible were not slaves for eternity, but by every 7th year, they would be set free. However the slave would have a choice to either leave as a free man, or he could choose to stay and continue to be a slave to his master. And if he would choose the latter, he would be a "doulos (bond servant)" of that master, and he would have to serve his master for life.

Being a bond servant is to give oneself to slavery by choice, it was ones own decision. And when that servant chooses his slavery, it is not with pain or sorrow, but with joy and peace. It was a clear testimoney to his master. So it is when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are set free from the chains of sin, but are we bond servants of Christ, willingly choosing the pathway that he has thread for us. Can we like Moses, the meekest man known, and rightly mentioned last in Revelations as a bond servant, live a life of serventhood to the Lord? The path of slavery may not be attractive in any sense, but when you know that the Master is able to give you peace that "passeth all understanding", would you not choose to be a "doulos" for Christ. For only God and God alone can render to us that peace that is within every believer.


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