something to be grasped

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God
something to be grasped (NIV) - Phil 2:5-6

Everytime I read Philippians 2:5-6, I always wonder why that phrase had to be there. The word "grasp" seems to be calling out to me. Does it mean that we should understand it? Probably. However, it seems trivial to mention it when it is obvious to understand what you are reading. So like always the dictionary comes in handy. Although the appropriate explanation in this context should be 'taking hold of something intellectually' or 'to comprehend', I find that the other definitions tend to give a clearer picture.

Grasp - To take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand.

With emphasis on key words like 'take hold', 'firmly' and disregarding the use of the hand. I realize how sad it is that nowadays people no longer grasp things. We may know alot of things, but how much of the things that we know, do we really grasp? With the burst of information in these modern times, everyone is literally stuffing their heads with knowledge. Outwardly it seems as if people are getting smarter with all the knowledge that they have, but inwardly it is hollow, because there is no taking hold of the things we know and grasping the meaning of it all.

Especially when it comes to the things of God, where head knowledge is useless without the practical application of it. It is as though God knew that one day people would be tirelessly slaving through loads and loads of information and knowledge that He had to put that little phrase in that verse to remind us that there is something to be grasped. Something that requires more than a mere understanding, but to really take it in and let it to have an effect on us. Christ Jesus, the risen and glorified one who by His very nature being God did not consider equality with God. What a contrast it is when we consider us humans, being in very nature a creation of God, always wanting to be the god of our own little universe that we created for ourselves. How different life would be if only we could recognized the sovereignty of God our creator and the supremacy of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. If only we understood... if only we grasped...

A friend once said: There is a thin line between knowledge and wisdom... but it is that thin line that makes all the difference!


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