living as my savior did

I was reading an email regarding how real disciples should act, and how we are supposed to serve others, including people whom we may dislike or even those who may seemingly harm us. I thought of how true it is since that was what the Lord Jesus Christ encouraged us to do through his example of washing His disciples feet.

To be a real disciple is to follow the footsteps of the master. I sometimes wonder how far I am from following the master. I find myself wandering away from the footsteps that the Lord Jesus Christ has laid just a bit too often. Imagine going back nearly 2000 years in the past and being able to witness first hand how the Lord Jesus Christ lived his life., how he talked, laughed, cried, walked, worked, I am sure it would be awesome.

How can one man(although He was fully God) carry the weight of saving the world and yet is able to be gentle enough to show love to those who need love, strong enough to help those who need help, and compassionate enough to cry for those who are going through pain? I am glad my master could do it.


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